Whether you're planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country or visiting a local Spanish restaurant, knowing how to order food in Spanish is an essential skill. This comprehensive guide covers everything from making a reservation to paying the bill.
When calling to make a reservation, here's what you'll need:
¿En qué puedo ayudarle? A continuación debes indicar el número de personas que iréis a cenar, a qué hora iréis y en ocasiones podéis decir qué mesa preferís. Quería hacer una reserva para dos esta noche a las nueve.
How can I help you? Next, you must indicate the number of people who will go to dine, at what time you will go and, on [certain] occasions, you can say which table you prefer. I wanted to make a reservation for two tonight at nine.
Captions 7-12, Raquel Reserva de Restaurante
Play Caption
- Hola, quisiera hacer una reserva/reservación (Hello, I would like to make a reservation)
- Para esta noche (For tonight)
- Para dos/tres/cuatro personas (For two/three/four people)
- ¿Tienen mesa libre? (Do you have a table available?)
- La reserva/reservación está a nombre de... (The reservation is under the name...)
- ¿Tienen disponibilidad entre las ocho y las nueve? (Do you have availability between eight and nine?)
- Preferiblemente una mesa junto a la ventana (Preferably a table by the window)
- ¿Es necesario dejar un depósito? (Is a deposit necessary?)
- Necesito modificar/cancelar mi reserva/reservación (I need to modify/cancel my reservation)
- ¿Tienen algún menú especial esta noche? (Do you have any special menu tonight?)
When you first arrive, you'll need these greeting phrases:
Muy buenas tardes, ¿mesa para uno? Sí, por favor. Tome asiento por favor. Gracias.
[Very] good afternoon, [a] table for one? Yes, please. Take a seat please. Thanks.
Captions 8-11, Cata y Cleer En el restaurante
Play Caption
- Buenos días/tardes/noches (Good morning/afternoon/evening)
- Tengo una reserva/reservación (I have a reservation)
- Mesa para dos/tres/cuatro (Table for two/three/four)
- Sin reserva/reservación (Without reservation)
- Disculpe, tengo una reserva/reservación a nombre de... (Excuse me, I have a reservation under...)
- ¿Hay mucha espera? (Is there a long wait?)
- Somos parte del grupo de... (We're part of the group of...)
- ¿Podemos esperar en el bar? (Can we wait at the bar?)
- ¿Está el restaurante completo? (Is the restaurant full?)
Once they're showing you to your table:
Eh... ¿Me puede traer agua por favor? Claro, ¿embotellada o de la llave? De la llave está bien. Entonces, eh... la voy a dejar un momento para que mire el menú
Um... Can you bring me water please? Of course, bottled or tap? Tap is fine. So, um... I am going to leave you for a moment so that you can look at the menu
Captions 15-19, Cata y Cleer En el restaurante
Play Caption
- ¿Podemos sentarnos allí? (Can we sit there?)
- Aquí está bien (Here is fine)
- Mesa para no fumadores (Non-smoking table)
- Junto a la ventana (By the window)
- ¿Podría traernos una silla alta para el bebé? (Could you bring us a high chair for the baby?)
- Necesitamos más espacio (We need more space)
- ¿Tienen una mesa más tranquila? (Do you have a quieter table?)
- Preferiríamos una mesa interior/exterior (We would prefer an indoor/outdoor table)
Time to review the menu options:
¿Puedo ver el menú por favor? Claro, por supuesto. Aquí lo tiene.
Can I see the menu please? Sure, of course. Here you have it.
Captions 12-13, Cata y Cleer En el restaurante
Play Caption
- La carta, por favor (The menu, please)
- ¿Tienen menú del día? (Do you have a daily menu?)
- ¿Cuál es el especial? (What's the special?)
- Necesito unos minutos (I need a few minutes)
- ¿Tienen el menú en inglés? (Do you have the menu in English?)
- ¿Qué incluye el menú completo? (What does the complete menu include?)
- ¿Me puede explicar este plato? (Could you explain this dish?)
- ¿Tienen sugerencias del chef? (Do you have chef's suggestions?)
- ¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa? (What's the house specialty?)
Here's how to have a natural conversation about food choices with your dining companions:
¿Sabes? Antes de pensar en los postres, deberíamos pensar en la entrada. ¿Qué te gustaría comer? Ah... No sé, me encantan los aros de cebolla. ¿A ti? A mí los deditos de pescado y también los deditos de mantequilla; son deliciosos. Sí, son muy ricos.
You know? Before thinking about the desserts, we should think about the appetizer. What would you like to eat? Oh... I don't know, I love onion rings. You? I love fish sticks and also butter fingers [a type of pastry]; they are delicious. Yes, they are very delicious.
Captions 54-60, Sofy y Caro Comida en un restaurante
Play Caption
- ¿Qué tienes ganas de comer? (What do you feel like eating?)
- ¿Ya sabes qué vas a pedir? (Do you know what you're going to order?)
- ¿Qué te apetece? (What appeals to you?)
- ¿Quieres compartir algo? (Do you want to share something?)
- ¿Te gustaría pedir un poco de vino? (Would you like to order some wine?)
- ¿Qué quieres tomar? (What would you like to drink?)
- ¿Pedimos una botella para compartir? (Shall we order a bottle to share?)
- ¿Prefieres tinto o blanco? (Do you prefer red or white?)
- ¿Qué tal si probamos...? (How about we try...?)
- He escuchado que aquí... (I've heard that here...)
- ¿Te parece si pedimos...? (What do you think about ordering...?)
- Podríamos compartir... (We could share...)
Don't hesitate to ask about unfamiliar dishes:
¿Está lista? ¿Ya sabe lo que le gustaría ordenar? Todavía estoy tratando de decidir. ¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Sí, ehm... ¿La lasaña tiene carne? Sí, tiene carne de res.
Are you ready? Do you know what you would like to order yet? I'm still trying to decide. Do you have any questions? Yes, um... Does the lasagna have meat? Yes, it has beef.
Captions 25-30, Cata y Cleer En el restaurante
Play Caption
- ¿Qué lleva este plato? (What's in this dish?)
- ¿Es picante? (Is it spicy?)
- ¿Es grande la porción? (Is the portion big?)
- ¿Qué acompañamientos tiene? (What sides does it come with?)
- Soy alérgico/a a... (I'm allergic to...)
- ¿Tienen opciones vegetarianas/veganas? (Do you have vegetarian/vegan options?)
- ¿Cómo está preparado? (How is it prepared?)
- ¿Se puede hacer sin...? (Can it be made without...?)
- ¿Los mariscos son frescos? (Is the seafood fresh?)
Now it's time to order:
¿Tiene algún platillo con pollo bajo en calorías? Sí, tenemos una ensalada del chef que tiene pollo. Mmm... Eso suena muy bien. ¿Puedo ordenarla sin cebolla y con el aderezo aparte? Por supuesto.
Do you have any low-calorie chicken dish? Yes, we have a chef's salad that has chicken. Mmm... That sounds great. Can I order it without onions and with the dressing on the side? Of course.
Captions 41-45, Cata y Cleer En el restaurante
Play Caption
- Para mí... (For me...)
- Quiero... (I want...)
- Para beber... (To drink...)
- De postre... (For dessert...)
- ¿Me puede traer la carne poco/muy hecha? (Can you bring the meat rare/well done?)
- Sin/Con... (Without/With...)
- El aderezo/la salsa aparte (Dressing/sauce on the side)
- Primero queremos compartir... (First we want to share...)
- ¿Puede recomendar un vino? (Can you recommend a wine?)
When you're ready to finish:
Mesera, ¿puede traerme la cuenta por favor? Gracias.
Waitress, can you bring me the check, please? Thank you.
Captions 49-50, Natalia de Ecuador Ordenar en un restaurante
Play Caption
- La cuenta, por favor (The check, please)
- ¿Aceptan tarjetas? (Do you accept cards?)
- ¿Pueden dividir la cuenta? (Can you split the check?)
- Gracias, estuvo delicioso (Thank you, it was delicious)
- ¿Está incluido el servicio? (Is service included?)
- ¿Me puede explicar la cuenta? (Can you explain the bill?)
- Hay un error en la cuenta (There's an error in the bill)
- ¿Puedo pagar en efectivo/con tarjeta? (Can I pay in cash/with card?)
- Quédese con el cambio (Keep the change)
- ¿Puedo hacer una reserva? - Can I make a reservation?
- Quisiera reservar una mesa - I would like to reserve/book a table
- Para esta noche/mañana - For tonight/tomorrow
- ¿A qué hora tienen disponibilidad? - What time do you have availability?
- Mesa para [número] personas - Table for [number] of people
- A nombre de... - Under the name of...
- ¿Tienen mesas disponibles? - Do you have tables available?
- ¿Hay que hacer reserva? - Do we need to make a reservation?
- Buenos días/tardes/noches - Good morning/afternoon/evening
- Tengo una reserva a nombre de... - I have a reservation under...
- Sin reserva - Without reservation
- ¿Hay mucha espera? - Is there a long wait?
- ¿Podemos esperar en el bar? - Can we wait at the bar?
- ¿Está el restaurante completo? - Is the restaurant full?
- Somos parte del grupo de... - We're part of the group of...
- ¿Podemos sentarnos allí? - Can we sit there?
- Junto a la ventana, por favor - By the window, please
- En la terraza/al aire libre - On the terrace/outside
- Mesa para no fumadores - Non-smoking table
- ¿Tienen una mesa más tranquila? - Do you have a quieter table?
- Necesitamos una silla alta para el bebé - We need a high chair for the baby
- Preferiríamos una mesa interior - We would prefer an indoor table
- Para beber quisiera... - To drink I would like...
- ¿Qué vinos tienen? - What wines do you have?
- Una botella de... - A bottle of...
- Agua con/sin gas - Sparkling/still water
- ¿Tienen bebidas sin alcohol? - Do you have non-alcoholic drinks?
- Un café solo/con leche - Black coffee/coffee with milk
- ¿Me puede traer más agua? - Can you bring me more water?
- ¿Puedo ver la carta/el menú? - Can I see the menu?
- ¿Tienen menú del día? - Do you have a daily menu?
- ¿Cuál es el especial de hoy? - What's today's special?
- ¿Qué me recomienda? - What do you recommend?
- ¿Tienen el menú en inglés? - Do you have the menu in English?
- Necesito unos minutos más - I need a few more minutes
- ¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa? - What's the house specialty?
- ¿Qué contiene este plato? - What does this dish contain?
- ¿Es picante? - Is it spicy?
- ¿Cómo está preparado? - How is it prepared?
- ¿Es grande la porción? - Is the portion big?
- ¿Qué acompañamientos tiene? - What sides does it come with?
- ¿Los mariscos son frescos? - Is the seafood fresh?
- ¿Se puede hacer sin...? - Can it be made without...?
- Soy alérgico/a a... - I'm allergic to...
- No como... - I don't eat...
- Soy vegetariano/a - I'm vegetarian
- Soy vegano/a - I'm vegan
- Sin gluten, por favor - Gluten-free, please
- ¿Tienen opciones sin lácteos? - Do you have dairy-free options?
- ¿Pueden prepararlo sin...? - Can you prepare it without...?
- Estoy listo/a para ordenar - I'm ready to order
- Para empezar... - To start...
- De primer plato... - For the first course...
- De segundo... - For the second course...
- Para mí... - For me...
- Quisiera... - I would like...
- Lo mismo para mí - The same for me
- Sin cebolla/ajo - Without onion/garlic
- La carne poco/muy hecha - The meat rare/well done
- El aderezo/la salsa aparte - Dressing/sauce on the side
- Con extra... - With extra...
- ¿Puede cambiarse la guarnición? - Can the side dish be changed?
- Sin sal/azúcar - Without salt/sugar
- Tibio/caliente, por favor - Warm/hot, please
- ¿Me puede traer...? - Can you bring me...?
- Falta... - We're missing...
- Necesitamos más... - We need more...
- ¿Pueden rellenar los vasos? - Can you refill the glasses?
- La comida está fría/caliente - The food is cold/hot
- Esto no es lo que pedí - This isn't what I ordered
- Está delicioso - It's delicious
- La cuenta, por favor - The check, please
- ¿Puede traerme la cuenta? - Can you bring me the bill?
- ¿Aceptan tarjetas? - Do you accept cards?
- ¿Pueden dividir la cuenta? - Can you split the check?
- ¿Está incluido el servicio? - Is service included?
- Hay un error en la cuenta - There's an error in the bill
- Quédese con el cambio - Keep the change
- Gracias - Thank you
- Por favor - Please
- Con permiso - Excuse me
- Disculpe - Excuse me (to get attention)
- Buen provecho - Enjoy your meal
- Estuvo delicioso - It was delicious
- Hasta luego - See you later
That's it for today's complete guide on how to order food in Spanish! Whether you're dining in Spain or Latin America, these essential Spanish restaurant phrases will help you handle any dining situation with confidence. Practice these expressions before your next visit to a Spanish-speaking restaurant - they're your key to a smooth dining experience. Remember, learning how to order food in Spanish takes practice, so don't be afraid to use these phrases whenever you can. Don't forget to write us with your questions and comments!
Welcome to our beginner-friendly guide to the parts of the house in Spanish! Whether you’re a new learner or brushing up on your vocabulary, this lesson will teach you the Spanish words for different rooms and areas in a house. Plus, you’ll learn how to pronounce each term clearly and naturally.
Knowing the names of the rooms and parts of the house in Spanish is essential for describing your daily life, discussing where things are located, or even giving a house tour. This vocabulary is practical, especially if you’re traveling, living abroad, or interacting with Spanish-speaking friends and family.
But before we dive into all the different parts of the house, let's start with the most important word - do you know how to say "house" in Spanish?
Todo el mundo tiene afán de llegar a la casa por lo del toque de queda.
Everyone is eager to get home because of the curfew thing.
Caption 3, La Sucursal del Cielo Capítulo 3 - Part 9
Play Caption
Let’s start with the basics! Below is a list of key rooms and parts of the house in Spanish, along with video clips for each term. Listen carefully to each clip, then try saying the word out loud to get comfortable with the pronunciation.
Mire, joven, esta es la sala,
Look, young man, this is the living room,
Caption 18, Otavalo Departamento
Play Caption
Ay, pues, mija, déjesela ahí en la cocina.
Oh, well, dear, leave them there for him in the kitchen.
Caption 27, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 1 - Part 6
Play Caption
En este vehículo en concreto, el baño es muy característico
In this particular vehicle, the bathroom is very distinctive
Caption 46, Viajando con Fermín Caravaning - Part 3
Play Caption
"Usa el dormitorio exclusivamente para dormir.
"Use the bedroom exclusively for sleeping.
Caption 27, Aprendiendo con Silvia Consejos para dormir mejor - Part 1
Play Caption
Aquí tenemos el comedor;
Here we have the dining room;
Caption 55, Otavalo Proyecto Hayni - Part 2
Play Caption
Below are additional important parts of the house in Spanish, each accompanied by a video clip to help you learn the correct pronunciation.
Yard/Garden | el jardín (el har-DEEN)
Hábleme de ese dinero que tiene usted enterrado en el jardín.
Talk to me about that money you have buried in the garden.
Caption 93, Los casos de Yabla El examen - Part 3
Play Caption
Balcony | el balcón (el bal-KOHN)
Tomo unos mates en el balcón
I have some servings of mate on the balcony
Caption 10, GoSpanish La rutina diaria de Sol
Play Caption
Garage | el garaje (el gah-RAH-heh)
se quedaba en el garaje de la casa de él.
was staying in the garage at his house.
Caption 27, Tu Voz Estéreo Embalsamado - Part 5
Play Caption
Roof | el tejado (el teh-HAH-doh) or el techo (el TEH-cho)
Please, keep in mind that tejado refers to the exterior roof, especially in Spain, while techo generally means ceiling or roof, commonly used across Latin America.
Entonces, toda, eh... las ventanas, las escaleras, el tejado
So, all, um... the windows, the staircases, the roof
Caption 22, Sevilla, España Hotel Kivir - Part 1
Play Caption
Ahorita, bueno, le faltó el techo...
Right now, well, the roof is missing...
Caption 75, Playa Adícora Francisco - Part 6
Play Caption
Basement | el sótano (el SOH-tah-noh)
y ni siquiera sabía porqué estaba entrando en el sótano.
and I didn't even know why I was entering the basement.
Caption 11, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 7 - Part 1
Play Caption
Wall | la pared (lah pah-RED)
solo por culpa de una humedad en la pared.
just because of a damp patch on the wall.
Caption 45, Tu Voz Estéreo Feliz Navidad - Part 6
Play Caption
Floor | el suelo (el SWEH-lo) or el piso (el PEE-soh)
In Spain, "floor" (of a house) is typically referred to as suelo. In Latin America, while suelo is also used for floor surfaces, piso is often the preferred term to describe the floor of a house or a building.
"El que tiene muchas sillas para sentarse acaba sentándose en el suelo".
"He who has many chairs to sit on ends up sitting on the floor."
Captions 8-9, Soledad Refranes - Part 2
Play Caption
Había una cantidad de fotos en el piso
There were a bunch pictures on the floor
Caption 5, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 2 - Part 8
Play Caption
Window | la ventana (lah ven-TAH-nah)
Y mi hermana y yo corríamos a la ventana
And my sister and I would run to the window
Caption 27, Aprendiendo con Silvia Recuerdos de infancia - Part 1
Play Caption
Door | la puerta (lah PWEHR-tah)
No. -Ni pa abrir la puerta. Hm!
No. -Not even to open the door. Hmm!
Caption 8, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 1 - Part 6
Play Caption
Stairs | las escaleras (lahs eh-skah-LEH-rahs)
ya que las escaleras interiores son muy estrechas y empinadas.
since the interior stairs are very narrow and steep.
Caption 21, Viajando con Fermín Ámsterdam - Part 3
Play Caption
Here are some common ways to talk about different parts of the house in Spanish. Practice these sentences for everyday conversation:
Mi cocina es grande.
My kitchen is big.
La sala tiene un sofá.
The living room has a sofa.
El jardín está detrás de la casa.
The garden is behind the house.
El balcón tiene una vista hermosa.
The balcony has a beautiful view.
El baño está al final del pasillo.
The bathroom is at the end of the hallway.
El comedor es perfecto para cenas familiares.
The dining room is perfect for family dinners.
Mi dormitorio tiene una cama cómoda.
My bedroom has a comfortable bed.
Congratulations! You now know the vocabulary for different parts of the house in Spanish and how to pronounce each word naturally. Practice using these terms in daily conversations to reinforce what you’ve learned. Remember, every time you use these words, you’ll sound more confident and fluent! And don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
In Spanish, vowels play a key role in how syllables and words are formed, especially when multiple vowels appear together. Today, we will explore three key concepts related to vowel interaction: diphthongs, triphthongs, and hiatuses.
A diphthong occurs when two vowels are combined within the same syllable. In Spanish, these vowels can either be both closed vowels (i.e., "i" and "u"), or one open vowel (like "a," "e," or "o") paired with a closed vowel.
"Cuando fuimos a Italia nos quedamos una semana en Florencia".
"When we went to Italy, we stayed for a week in Florence."
Caption 21, Aprendiendo con Silvia Significados, usos y expresiones con "quedar" - Part 3
Play Caption
Both Italia and Florencia end with a diphthong, combining the closed vowel "i" and the open vowel "a" in the last syllable.
Popayán es una ciudad que está ubicada en el sudoeste de Colombia,
Popayan is a city that is located in the southwest of Colombia,
Caption 3, Viajando con Carlos Popayán - Colombia - Part 1
Play Caption
In the word ciudad, the diphthong is found in the second-to-last syllable, formed by the two closed vowels "i" and "u."
These vowel combinations create fluid sounds within a single syllable, a common feature in many Spanish words.
A triphthong is when three vowels are pronounced together in a single syllable. For a triphthong to occur, there must be an open vowel (like "a," "e," or "o") sandwiched between two closed vowels (like "i" and "u").
como por ejemplo, en "vosotros estudiáis".
like for example, in "vosotros estudiáis" ["you guys study"].
Caption 24, Carlos explica Acentuación Cap. 5: Diptongo, triptongo, hiato
Play Caption
This word is a great example of a triphthong. The open vowel "a" is surrounded by the two closed vowels "i," creating a single syllable where all three vowels are pronounced together.
Fermín también me preguntaba quién toma más mate, si Uruguay o Argentina.
Fermín was also asking me who drinks more mate, whether Uruguay or Argentina.
Captions 49-50, Viajando con Fermín La Feria Internacional de los Países de Fuengirola - Part 2
Play Caption
The "y" at the end of Uruguay acts like the vowel "i," forming a triphthong along with the "u" and the "a" earlier in the word.
Triphthongs are less common than diphthongs but are often found in verbs conjugated for the second-person plural form in Spain.
A hiatus occurs when two vowels appear together but belong to different syllables. This can happen when the two vowels are both open or when there is an emphasis on a closed vowel next to an open vowel.
Sobre todo para aprender idiomas es fundamental leer.
Especially to learn languages, it's essential to read.
Caption 5, Adriana La lectura - Part 2
Play Caption
In leer, the two "e"s are pronounced separately, each belonging to a different syllable: le-er. This breaks up what could have been a diphthong.
Es que ahí está pintado el egoísta ese.
It's just that that's exactly like that selfish guy.
Caption 55, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 2 - Part 10
Play Caption
In the word egoísta, we see a hiatus between the vowels "o" and "í." The closed vowel "í" is stressed, creating a break between "o" and "í" and making them part of separate syllables: e-go-ís-ta.
Es decir, estás teniendo un buen día,
In other words, you're having a good day,
Caption 20, Soledad Personas tóxicas
Play Caption
In the word día, the closed vowel "i" is emphasized, creating a break between the "i" and the open vowel "a," resulting in two syllables.
"¿Quién eres tú?", preguntó Ada al ver a un búho que bajaba volando.
"Who are you?" Ada asked when she saw an owl that was flying down.
Captions 4-6, Silvia nos cuenta El bosque encantado y las emociones mágicas - Part 3
Play Caption
Even though the "h" is silent in Spanish, it doesn’t interfere with the vowel interaction. In búho, the two vowels "u" and "o" are part of different syllables, forming a hiatus.
Understanding diphthongs, triphthongs, and hiatuses is essential for mastering Spanish pronunciation and accentuation. Diphthongs and triphthongs allow vowels to merge into smooth sounds within syllables, while hiatuses create a clear division between syllables, even when vowels are side by side.
By recognizing these patterns, learners can improve their fluency and pronunciation accuracy in Spanish. This concludes our lesson on vowel interaction in Spanish. Hopefully, this has helped clarify how vowels work together in different ways, and don't forget to write us with your questions and suggestions.
How do you say thank you and you're welcome in Spanish? Even most non-Spanish speakers know that gracias is the common, standard way to say "thank you" in Spanish, while the most common response is de nada (you're welcome). Today's lesson will help you spice up your spoken Spanish by learning some additional ways to say thank you and you're welcome in Spanish.
Before going any further, let's hear the Spanish word gracias pronounced, paying particular attention to the way that Spanish speakers pronounce the vowels (it should not sound like "grassy a--"). Then, we suggest you practice it yourself!
Thank you.
Caption 39, Cristina Primeros auxilios
Play Caption
Note that if you want to say what you are thanking someone "for" in Spanish, you should use the Spanish preposition por (rather than para) as we see here:
Así que gracias por su atención
So, thank you for your attention,
Caption 68, Carlos comenta La sucursal del cielo - Part 1
Play Caption
This brings us to another common Spanish expression, which is equivalent to the English "Thanks for everything":
Gracias por todo.
Thank you for everything.
Caption 86, Tu Música El Ensamble Latino - Part 3
Play Caption
Now, let's hear a common way to say "Thank you very much" in Spanish:
Muchas gracias.
Thank you very much.
Caption 96, Casabermeja Gastronomía - Part 2
Play Caption
If you wish to say "Thank you very much" in Spanish even more emphatically, you might choose the following expression, which includes the augmentative form of muchas, muchísimas:
Muchísimas gracias
Thank you very much
Caption 63, Venezolanos por el mundo Karina en Barcelona - Part 3
Play Caption
Yet another rough equivalent of "thank you very much" or "thanks so much" is the common Spanish expression mil gracias, which literally means "a thousand thanks":
Mm... no, no, mil gracias. No me gusta el café.
Um... No, no, thanks so much [literally "a thousand thanks"]. I don't like coffee.
Caption 3, Tu Voz Estéreo Embalsamado - Part 8
Play Caption
In addition to the expressions we just learned, certain verbs or verb phrases can be used to convey gratitude. Below, you'll find several, with examples from our Yabla Spanish library.
Agradecer (to thank/be grateful)
Así que, te agradezco, Fredy,
So, I thank you, Fredy,
Caption 49, Viajando con Carlos El año viejo en Colombia - Part 2
Play Caption
The direct object pronoun lo is often included in the fixed expression te lo agradezco (I appreciate it, I thank you for it, I'm grateful to you for it) when referring to a specific thing or situation:
Y te lo agradezco, pero la verdad,
And I thank you for it, but honestly,
Caption 17, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 8 - Part 8
Play Caption
Dar las gracias (to thank/give thanks)
Te vengo a dar las gracias.
I'm coming to thank you.
Caption 7, Club 10 Capítulo 2 - Part 7
Play Caption
Apreciar (to appreciate)
Bueno... pues le aprecio mucho gobernador que me haya contestado.
Well... I really appreciate you, Governor, for answering me.
Caption 17, ¡Tierra, Sí! Atenco - Part 1
Play Caption
Estar agradecido (to be grateful)
estoy contenta, estoy agradecida,
I'm happy, I'm grateful,
Caption 64, Amaya Recordando - Part 1
Play Caption
If you wish to say thank you in a more formal setting, you could choose to address the person you are thanking with usted instead of tú or vos, the more formal of the different Spanish ways to say "you." The expression te lo agradezco would hence change as follows:
Bueno, se lo agradezco.
Well, I thank you for it.
Caption 84, Muñeca Brava 48 - Soluciones - Part 3
Play Caption
The abbreviated Muy agradecido can also function as an alternative to "Thank you very much" in more formal settings:
Muy agradecido, Don Kevin.
Very grateful, Mister Kevin.
Caption 34, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 3 - Part 7
Play Caption
Finally, the expression Muy amable (literally "very kind") is often used in place of or along with another way of saying "thank you," as we see in the following two captions:
Eh... Sí, señorita, ya voy para allá. Muy amable.
Um... Yes, miss, I'm going there now. [You're] very kind.
Captions 44-45, Tu Voz Estéreo Laura - Part 15
Play Caption
Bueno, muchas gracias. Muy amable.
Well, thank you very much. [You're] very kind.
Caption 19, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 4 - Part 10
Play Caption
As we mentioned in the introduction, de nada (literally "of nothing") is the standard equivalent of "you're welcome" in Spanish. Let's hear it a caption that includes both thank you and you're welcome in Spanish:
¡Ay, muchísimas gracias por tu amabilidad! ¡De nada!
Oh, thank you so much for your kindness! You're welcome!
Captions 37-38, Cleer y Carolina En la estación de buses
Play Caption
Note that an alternative, albeit less common way to say de nada is por nada.
Let's explore a few different ways to say something similar to "you're welcome" in Spanish, starting with one that literally means something along the lines of "There's no reason (to thank me)."
Yo también. Muchas gracias por admitirme. No hay de qué. Es un placer tenerla con nosotros.
Me too. Thank you very much for accepting me. You're welcome. It's a pleasure to have you with us.
Captions 10-11, Negocios Empezar en un nuevo trabajo - Part 2
Play Caption
Like in English, "My pleasure" is also a suitable response to someone thanking you, as is simply (it's) "a pleasure":
El placer es mío, Adolfo.
The pleasure is mine, Adolfo.
Caption 39, Yago 6 Mentiras - Part 4
Play Caption
Gracias por venir, Luis. Un placer, Mónica,
Thank you for coming, Luis. A pleasure, Monica,
Captions 2-3, Escribiendo un libro Algunos consejos sobre cómo comenzar - Part 1
Play Caption
And, finally, as in English, we could thank the person right back!
Muchas gracias. Gracias a ti.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
Captions 50-51, El Aula Azul Los profesores de la escuela - Part 1
Play Caption
With this in mind, we hope that this lesson has given you a lot of ideas about ways to say thank you and you're welcome in Spanish, beyond just gracias and de nada. Muchísimas gracias por su atención... and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
Do you know how to use the definite article el in Spanish? It's one of the most common words in the language, but its usage can sometimes be tricky for learners. In this lesson, we will explore how and when to use el correctly, including its rules and exceptions. Let's dive into the world of definite articles in the language of Cervantes.
Let's start with the basics of the definite article el.
A definite article is used to indicate a specific noun that is known to the reader or listener. In English, the definite article is "the." In Spanish, the masculine singular form of the definite article is el.
We use el with masculine singular nouns. Here are some examples:
el libro (the book)
el perro (the dog)
el coche (the car)
Let's hear how to pronounce this article:
Sin duda, en la actualidad el perro es el animal que más se utiliza como apoyo en este tipo de intervenciones.
Without a doubt, nowadays the dog is the animal that is used the most for support in this type of intervention.
Captions 40-41, Isabel Lavesa Terapia asistida con animales
Play Caption
1. Nouns Starting with a Stressed 'A' or 'HA' Sound
When a feminine noun starts with a stressed "a" or "ha" sound, el is used instead of la to avoid a cacophony. However, the noun remains feminine. For example:
el agua (the water)
el águila (the eagle)
el hacha (the axe)
Note that in the plural form, "las" is used:
las aguas (the waters)
las águilas (the eagles)
las hachas (the axes)
2. Nouns That Are Always Masculine
Some nouns are always masculine, even though they might end in "a" or have other endings that might suggest they are feminine. For example:
el mapa (the map)
el día (the day)
el sofá (the sofa)
3. Compound Nouns
Many compound nouns that end in "-a" but are formed by combining two words are masculine. For example:
el sacapuntas (the pencil sharpener)
el paraguas (the umbrella)
el abrelatas (the can opener)
Let's watch the following clip where you can listen to our friend Fermín using the definite article "el" with various words:
La parte delantera del vehículo se llama capó y es donde se encuentran el motor, la batería, el agua, el líquido de frenos y el aceite,
The front of the vehicle is called the hood and is where the engine, the battery, the water, the brake fluid, and the oil are located,
Captions 48-49, Fermín Vocabulario del coche y la conducción - Part 1
Play Caption
Now, let's practice a little bit more with some examples.
El libro es tan bueno como la película.
The book is as good as the movie.
Caption 20, Karla e Isabel Comparativos
Play Caption
como: el mapa y el planeta.
like: the map and the planet.
Caption 47, Fundamentos del Español 2 - Nombres y Género
Play Caption
¡Muy bien! El águila.
Very good! The eagle.
Caption 73, El Aula Azul Adivinanzas de animales - Part 2
Play Caption
Dejemos a un lado el hacha de guerra
Let's leave aside the axe of war
Caption 22, Bebé Kiéreme
Play Caption
Remember that el is only for masculine singular nouns. Don't use el with feminine nouns that don't start with a stressed "a" or "ha" sound. For example:
Incorrect: el casa
Correct: la casa (the house)
When the noun is plural, use los for masculine nouns and las for feminine nouns. For example:
el libro → los libros
el agua → las aguas
That's it for today. We hope this lesson helped you understand how to use the definite article el in Spanish. Do you have any questions or comments? Please let us know!
Do you know the names of the shapes in Spanish? Today's lesson will teach you what the most basic Spanish shapes are called as well as the words for more advanced Spanish shapes and figures. Let's get started!
Let's start with the basics! Listen to the following caption from the Yabla Spanish video library to hear how to say "shapes" in Spanish:
Puedes jugar con diferentes formas y colores
You can play with different shapes and colors
Caption 76, Manos a la obra Papel picado para Día de muertos
Play Caption
Now, let's hear the Spanish word for the similar concept of "figures":
como los números o las figuras geométricas,
like numbers or geometric figures,
Caption 16, Carlos explica Vocabulario de las matemáticas - Part 1
Play Caption
Next, we'll learn the Spanish names for the most classic shapes, including their definite articles, and hear them in context:
Vamos a marcar el círculo
We're going to mark the circle,
Caption 47, Maoli Calabaza de Halloween
Play Caption
se presenta como un cuadrado de ocho por ocho
appears as an eight by eight square
Caption 18, Aprendiendo con Carlos El ajedrez - Part 1
Play Caption
Puede ser un cuadrado, un rectángulo.
It can be a square, a rectangle.
Caption 41, María Fernanda Hacer un turbante
Play Caption
Obtendrás un triángulo.
You will get a triangle.
Caption 39, Manos a la obra Separadores de libros: Charmander
Play Caption
Let's move on to the Spanish words for some slightly more sophisticated shapes and hear them pronounced:
—podríamos decir que es un óvalo—
we could say that it's an oval—
Caption 49, Con Marta por Madrid La Plaza del Sol - Part 2
Play Caption
Lograrás un rombo como éste.
You will get a diamond like this one.
Caption 45, Manos a la obra Separadores de libros: Charmander
Play Caption
Interestingly, this word also means "trapezius" (the muscle) in Spanish as well as "trapeze," as in the following example, which we've included for pronunciation purposes:
como un número de trapecio,
as a trapeze act,
Caption 18, Circo Berlín Jose - Part 2
Play Caption
"semicírculo" [semicircle],
Caption 74, Carlos explica Los prefijos en español - Part 7
Play Caption
Figures with at least three but typically five or more sides and angles are called los polígonos (the polygons) in Spanish. Let's learn their Spanish names along with their respective numbers of lados (sides) and ángulos (angles):
El pentágono (the pentagon): 5
El hexágono (the hexagon): 6
El hectágono (the hectagon): 7
El octógono (the octagon): 8
El nonógono (the nonagon): 9
El decágono (the decagon): 10
While not "official" geometric shapes, figures like the heart, cross, star, etc., are recognized universally as shapes and/or symbols. Let's learn how to say them in Spanish!
a hacer pancitos de corazón, pancitos decorados y este tipo de, de...
into making heart rolls, decorated rolls, and this kind of, of...
Caption 18, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Luis y el pan de muerto
Play Caption
es la cruz de piedra.
is the stone cross.
Caption 16, Viajando con Carlos Popayán - Colombia - Part 2
Play Caption
y la estrella.
and the star.
Caption 27, Ana Carolina Símbolos de Navidad
Play Caption
con la punta bien afilada en forma de flecha,
with a well-sharpened tip in the shape of an arrow
Caption 32, Isabel Lavesa Dibujo en acuarela
Play Caption
Do you know how to say 3-D in Spanish? You could say tridimensional (three-dimensional) or simply use the Spanish pronuncation of 3-D, as we hear here:
Y las obras están sacadas de modelos 3-D del programa Google Earth.
And the works are taken from 3-D models from the Google Earth program.
Caption 24, El estudio De Julio Sarramián
Play Caption
That said, we'll conclude this lesson with the names of several of the most common formas tridimensionales (3-D shapes):
¿podría ponerme un cono de chocolate por favor?
can you give me a chocolate cone please?
Caption 36, Málaga Calle Larios
Play Caption
en forma de pirámide invertida.
in the shape of an inverted pyramid.
Caption 14, Víctor en Caracas Centro comercial
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that you have found this lesson on the names of the shapes in Spanish useful, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments. ¡Hasta pronto!
Have you ever noticed that there are several types of words that are capitalized in English but not in Spanish? Today's lesson will point out nine such categories where there is a discrepancy in capitalization between English and Spanish.
While the names of the days of the week must be capitalized in English, the same is not so of the days of the week in Spanish, whose first letters are lowercase. Let's take a look:
Voy a una academia de baile los martes y los jueves.
I go to a dance academy on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Caption 15, Ariana Mi Semana
Play Caption
The same can be said for the names of the months in Spanish, which are written in all lowercase letters in contrast to their capitalized English counterparts. This is demonstrated in the following clip:
sobre todo en los meses de diciembre, enero, febrero e incluso en mayo.
especially in the months of December, January, February, and even in May.
Caption 27, Mercado de San Miguel Misael
Play Caption
Although English capitalizes the names of languages, Spanish does not:
Bueno, yo hablo español, inglés y estoy aprendiendo alemán.
Well, I speak Spanish, English, and I'm learning German.
Captions 19-20, Cleer y Lida ¿Qué idiomas hablas?
Play Caption
Words that refer to someone or something's nationality do not start with a capital letter in Spanish as they do in English. Included in this category are both demonyms, or Spanish adjectives of nationality, and Spanish nouns that refer to the inhabitants of a particular nation. Let's see examples of each:
y puedas decir, "Este artista es colombiano, este es un artista brasilero", es decir,
and can say, "This artist is Colombian, this is a Brazilian artist," I mean,
Captions 69-70, Leonardo Rodriguez Sirtori Una vida como pintor - Part 5
Play Caption
Antes de la llegada de los españoles, existían cientos de diferentes culturas.
Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, there were hundreds of different cultures.
Caption 8, Historia mexicana Cultura y la unión de dos mundos
Play Caption
As we see below, this group includes the names of religions, their respective adjectives, and the nouns that describe their adherents.
y que se utilizó para simbolizar el triunfo del cristianismo sobre la fe musulmana.
and was employed as a symbol of the triumph of Christianity over the Muslim faith.
Captions 61-62, Viajando con Fermín Sevilla - Part 2
Play Caption
España recibió más de treinta y cinco mil judíos,
Spain received more than thirty-five thousand Jews,
Caption 27, Víctor en España El Hotel Palace de Barcelona
Play Caption
When preceding a last name and/or addressing a specific person, English words like "mister" or "doctor" must be capitalized. The equivalent titles in Spanish, however, are written in all lowercase letters, as we see here:
Vamos a escuchar a la doctora Consejos y a su paciente Adrián
Let's listen to Doctor Advice and her patient Adrián
Caption 2, El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos: Por y para
Play Caption
Por supuesto, señora Castaño.
Of course, Ms. Castaño.
Caption 24, Cleer y Lida Recepción de hotel
Play Caption
In English, most of the words of the titles of original compositions like books, films, songs, articles, or works of art are capitalized, with the notable exceptions of words like prepositions and coordinating conjunctions. In Spanish, on the other hand, only the first word of a title is capitalized, for example, the famed novel Cien años de soledad, which is written in English "One Hundred Years of Solitude." Let's see one more:
Para ello, el artista pintó un gran fresco titulado "El juicio final",
To do so, the artist painted a large fresco called "The Last Judgment,"
Caption 32, Aprendiendo con Carlos El microrrelato - Part 4
Play Caption
All of the words of proper nouns for specific geographical place names in English, like the Andes Mountains or Lake Titicaca, must be capitalized. In Spanish, however, the first words of these proper nouns are lowercase, e.g., la cordillera de los Andes and el lago Titicaca. Let's look at more examples:
y es atravesada por el río Cauca.
and is crossed by the Cauca River.
Caption 17, Viajando con Carlos Popayán - Colombia - Part 1
Play Caption
en el océano Pacífico y en el mar Caribe.
in the Pacific Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea.
Caption 46, Instinto de conservación Parque Tayrona - Part 4
Play Caption
Although the first person singular personal pronoun "I" is always written with a capital letter in English, its Spanish equivalent yo is not, as we can see here:
No, pueden llorar, pero yo tengo que trabajar.
No, you can cry, but I have to work.
Caption 9, La Sucursal del Cielo Capítulo 2 - Part 8
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped to clarify several of the classes of words that should not be capitalized in Spanish, some of which might seem a bit counterintuitive to English speakers. Can you think of any additional cases in which Spanish and English capitalization are different? Feel free to write us with any questions or comments.
Are you familiar with the concept of grammatical agreement in Spanish? There are two main types of agreement in Spanish: noun agreement and verb agreement. Today's lesson will provide an introduction to each.
The concept of noun agreement is the following: Since Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine and singular or plural, their definite or indefinite articles, adjectives, and other grammatical elements must correspond in terms of these attributes. Let's take a look at a chart that demonstrates this concept with masculine and feminine singular and plural nouns and their corresponding definite and indefinite articles.
Singular: | Plural: | ||
Masculine: | el chico (the boy) | los chicos (the boys) | |
un chico (a boy) | unos chicos (some boys) | ||
Feminine: | la chica (the girl) | las chicas (the girls) | |
una chica (a girl) | unas chicas (some girls) |
The chart shows us the various ways to say "the" (el, los, la, las) and "a/an" (un, unos, una, unas), depending upon whether a noun is masculine or feminine and singular or plural. That said, let's keep a couple of additional points in mind regarding recognizing the number and gender of Spanish nouns and/or modifying them to achieve noun agreement.
1. Although many Spanish masculine singular nouns end in -o and many Spanish feminine nouns end in -a, this is not always the case. Therefore, less obvious nouns (e.g. el avión (the airplane) or la nube (the cloud)) require simply memorizing the gender of the noun, especially nouns that refer to inanimate objects. For this reason, Spanish students typically learn new nouns and their respective masculine or feminine definite articles simultaneously.
2. As a general rule, many nouns that end in a vowel require the addition of an -s to make them plural, while many nouns that end in a consonant become plural by adding -es. Applying this to the abovementioned nouns, el avión becomes los aviones while la nube changes to las nubes.
In addition to their articles, Spanish adjectives must also agree in terms of number and gender with the nouns they modify, with the same general spelling guidelines that we mentioned for pluralizing nouns. Let's hear how this works via some examples from our Yabla Spanish library:
Un coche bonito, unos coches bonitos. Una casa roja, las casas rojas.
A nice car, some nice cars. A red house, the red houses.
Captions 28-29, Fundamentos del Español 3 - Le Estructura de las Frases
Play Caption
unos ojos azules, inmensos...
some huge, blue eyes...
Caption 24, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 6: El día de la Primitiva - Part 2
Play Caption
As you delve further into more complex Spanish grammar such as direct object pronouns, you will see how the number and gender of Spanish nouns continue to exert their influence.
Verb agreement in Spanish refers to the fact that Spanish verbs need to be conjugated in accordance with their respective subjects or subject pronouns, agreeing in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). Although this concept exists in English, it is much simpler due to the fact that there are less subject pronouns in English (seven vs. thirteen in Spanish) and far less verb forms. For example, for all of the seven English subject pronouns, there are only two verb forms, as we see below:
Subject Pronoun:
I: speak
you: speak
he: speaks
she: speaks
we: speak
they: speak
it: speaks
In Spanish, on the other hand, there are thirteen subject pronouns and many corresponding conjugations. Additionally, the manner in which each verb is conjugated depends upon which of the three common verb categories (-ar, -er, and -ir) it falls into, and many verbs are irregular, making verb agreement in Spanish significantly more complex. With this in mind, let's take a look at a chart with the conjugations of three common regular verbs, one from each category, in the present indicative tense:
Subject Pronoun: | hablar: | comer: | subir: |
yo | hablo | como | subo |
tú | hablas | comes | subes |
vos | hablás | comés | subís |
él/ella/usted | habla | come | sube |
vosotros/vosotras | habláis | coméis | subís |
nosotros/nosotras | hablamos | comemos | subimos |
ellos/ellas/ustedes | hablan | comen | suben |
If that doesn't seem nuanced enough, keep in mind that that was just one of the sixteen Spanish verb tenses, each of which has its own specific manner of conjugating verbs in order to ensure verb agreement.
We hope that these explanations have given you a better idea about the concept of noun and verb agreement in Spanish, which are essential to understanding Spanish sentences and constructing your own. Don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
Do you know the difference between the Spanish prepositions por and para? Although both can be translated as "for" in certain instances, these two oft-confused words have different uses in Spanish and a wide variety of translations in different contexts. In the most general terms, por is used to indicate a cause or reason while para indicates a goal or purpose. If you need to learn or review the uses of por and para in greater detail, we recommend that you peruse Yabla's lesson entitled Por vs. Para: How to Use These Spanish Prepositions. Then, when you're ready, test your knowledge with this quiz!
In the following sentences, choose the preposition por or para that correctly completes each sentence.
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
a. por
b. para
Choose the correct combination of the prepositions por and para to make the sentences grammatically correct.
a. por, para
b. para, por
c. para, para
d. por, por
a. por, para
b. para, por
c. para, para
d. por, por
a. Por, por, por
b. Para, para, para
c. Por, para, para
d. Por, por, para
The following are the answers to all of the questions in this Por vs. Para Quiz as well as the translations and grammatical reasons for each.
1. Correct Answer: b. para
Las tijeras son para cortar.
The scissors are for cutting.
REASON: The Spanish preposition para is used to talk about the use of something.
2. Correct Answer: a. por
Vamos a viajar por Europa este verano.
We're going to travel in Europe this summer.
REASON: Use por when talking about approximate location.
3. Correct Answer: a. por
Yo voy al gimnasio cuatro veces por semana.
I go to the gym three times a week.
REASON: When referring to the frequency of an action, choose the preposition por. Note the alternative translation in the following example from the Yabla Spanish video library:
Serían trescientos euros por mes
It would be three hundred euros per month
Caption 55, Karla e Isabel Alquilar una habitación - Part 2
Play Caption
4. Correct Answer: b. para
Noel tiene que entregar su trabajo para el lunes.
Noel has to turn in her project on Monday.
REASON: When talking about a future point in time or deadline, pick para.
5. Correct Answer: a. por
Lo hice por amor.
I did it for love.
REASON: The Spanish preposition por can be used to talk about the reason for something.
6. Correct Answer: b. para
Ellos prepararon una cena espectacular para mi familia.
They made an amazing dinner for my family.
REASON: When naming a recipient, go with para, as in the following clip:
Este libro es para ti.
This book is for you.
Caption 47, Carlos y Cyndy Uso del Voseo en Argentina
Play Caption
7. Correct Answer: b. para
Para mí, Daniel es el mejor restaurante de Nueva York.
To me, Daniel is the best restaurant in New York.
REASON: Para in Spanish can be employed to express a personal opinion.
8. Correct Answer: a. por
A Guillermo le encanta caminar por la ribera.
Guillermo loves to walk along the riverbank.
REASON: The Spanish preposition por can be placed prior to place names to denote a course of movement within that location.
9. Correct Answer: b. para
Mi mamá vino para visitarme.
My mom came to visit me.
REASON: When talking about the purpose for something, opt for the preposition para.
10. Correct Answer: a. por
Nosotros solemos estar de muy mal humor por la mañana.
We tend to be in a very bad mood in the morning.
REASON: When referencing the time of day, use por.
11. Correct Answer: a. por
Juan esperó por cuatro horas en una fila para comprar las entradas.
Juan waited for in a line for four hours to buy the tickets.
REASON: The Spanish preposition por is correctly used in this sentence to describe duration, like in this similar example:
Por muchos años estuvo abandonado,
For many years, it was abandoned,
Caption 66, Amaya Teatro romano
Play Caption
12. Correct answer: a. por
Orlando compró un auto nuevo por mucho dinero.
Orlando bought a new car for a lot of money.
REASON: Por should be used to speak about financial transactions.
13. Correct answer: b. para
Carla trabaja para una empresa muy famosa.
Carla works for a very famous company.
REASON: Para is the correct Spanish preposition for referring to employment.
14. Correct answer: a. por
Hay que subir por las escaleras para llegar al segundo piso
You have to go up [using/with] the stairs to get to the second floor.
REASON: Utilize por to describe the means used to do something.
15. Correct answer: a. por
El edificio fue construido por un arquitecto muy reconocido.
The building was built by a very famous architect.
REASON: In passive sentences in Spanish, the preposition por can be employed to designate who or what performed an action.
16. Correct answer: b. para
Los estudiantes van para la escuela.
The students are going to the school.
REASON: Para in Spanish can refer to the direction of or destination for some movement, as we see twice here:
Andrea, yo me voy para donde Amalia y usted salga para el hotel.
Andrea, I'll go to Amalia's and you go to the hotel.
Caption 42, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 2 - Part 9
Play Caption
17. Correct answer: a. por
Por lo que veo, ella está enferma y no va a poder venir.
From what I can see, she's sick and isn't going to be able to come.
REASON: Por is the correct Spanish preposition for providing evidence that is used to form a conclusion.
18. Correct answer: a. por, para
Liliana está estudiando por cinco horas cada día para su examen.
Liliana is studying for five hours a day for her test.
REASON: Despite the fact that both por and para are translated into English as "for" in this sentence, it is necessary to choose por in Spanish to denote duration and para to state an objective.
19. Correct answer: b. para, por
El libro que compré para mi mamá fue escrito por su autor favorito.
The book that I bought for my mom was written by her favorite author.
REASON: Here, the word para refers to a recipient while por points to the agent of an action in a passive sentence.
20. Correct answer: d. por, por, para
Por la tarde, me gusta caminar por mi barrio para relajarme.
In the evening, I like to walk around my neighborhood in order to relax.
REASON: In this sentence, por refers to the time of day as well as a general location, and para states a purpose.
That's all for this quiz on the Spanish prepositions por vs. para. We hope you did well! For more on this topic, be sure to check out Yabla's three-part video series, Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para' , and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
The por vs. para dilemma is one of the biggest headaches for English speakers learning Spanish, especially since both are sometimes translated as "for." If you are still confused about the Spanish prepositions por and para, this lesson will explain how and when to use each. We hope that by the end of it, you will understand the difference between these two words and be able to use them with confidence.
Before we examine some specific uses of por and para in Spanish, we would like to invite you to think about these prepositions as opposites in the following terms:
Por: Indicates a cause or reason.
Para: Indicates a purpose, objective, or goal.
In a video from his series about the prepositions por and para, Carlos explains this difference by contrasting two sentences. Let's hear the first:
Estoy preocupado por el examen.
I'm worried about the exam.
Caption 35, Carlos explica Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para' - Part 1
Play Caption
In this sentence, the preposition por indicates that the exam is the cause or reason for Carlos' concern. Now, let's look at the other sentence:
María estudió tres días para el examen.
Maria studied for the exam for three days.
Caption 39, Carlos explica Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para' - Part 1
Play Caption
In this case, the preposition para indicates that the exam was María's goal and/or purpose for studying, most likely to try to achieve the best possible grade.
Now that we have highlighted this overarching difference between the prepositions por and para, let's explore a variety of more nuanced uses of each of these Spanish words.
Let's take a look at many of the most common uses of the preposition por in Spanish.
Si ese tipo vino aquí por dinero, pues... eso es lo único que quiere.
If that guy came here for money, well... that's the only thing he wants.
Captions 49-50, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 3 - Part 8
Play Caption
Pero ¿sabéis lo que le gusta hacer a Lukas? Ir a correr por la playa.
But, do you know what does Lukas like to do? Go running on the beach.
Captions 58-59, Amaya Mi camper van
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Hoy he decidido hacer unas compras por el centro de la ciudad.
Today I've decided to do some shopping in the city's downtown.
Caption 2, Raquel Haciendo compras
Play Caption
Las clases son normalmente por la tarde;
The classes are usually in the afternoon;
Caption 6, El Aula Azul Las actividades de la escuela - Part 2
Play Caption
Fui jugador amateur por mucho tiempo,
I was an amateur player for a long time,
Caption 22, Víctor en Caracas El fútbol con Tony Carrasco
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Es de vital importancia que la tienda online se actualice. Deberíamos actualizar al menos dos veces por semana.
It's of vital importance that the online store is updated. We should update at least twice a week.
Captions 6-7, Raquel y Marisa Español Para Negocios - Nuestra tienda online
Play Caption
Ayer llamé a mi cuñada por teléfono
Yesterday, I called my sister-in-law on the phone
Caption 5, Aprendiendo con Silvia Frases hechas - Part 3
Play Caption
¿Por cuánto lo has comprado?
For how much have you bought it?
Caption 17, 75 minutos Del campo a la mesa - Part 16
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O: "El edificio ha sido diseñado por la arquitecta".
Or: "The building has been designed by the [female] architect."
Caption 34, Lecciones con Carolina La voz pasiva - Part 3
Play Caption
Por lo que se ve, pues, no está quemado, no está dañado,
From what you [can] see, well, it's not burned, it's not damaged,
Captions 39-40, Aprendiendo con Priscilla Vocabulario de taller mecánico
Play Caption
Now that we know how to use the preposition por in Spanish, let's see how to use the preposition para.
El veterinario vino ayer para comprobar que el bebé que lleva dentro está en buen estado,
The veterinarian came yesterday to check that the baby she's carrying is in good shape,
Captions 66-67, Amaya Apertura del refugio
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Este libro es para ti.
This book is for you.
Caption 47, Carlos y Cyndy Uso del Voseo en Argentina
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Tengo que terminar el trabajo para mañana.
I have to finish this work by tomorrow.
Caption 39, Carlos explica Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para' - Part 2
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Eh... voy para la casa. Si quiere, vamos juntos.
Um... I'm going home. If you want, we can go together.
Captions 7-8, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 14 - Part 9
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Tengo que tomar un medicamento para el dolor y otro para bajar la fiebre.
I have to take a medication for the pain and another one to lower the fever.
Captions 30-31, Ariana Cita médica
Play Caption
Trabajo para una empresa francesa de electrónica
I work for a French electronics company
Caption 13, Carlos y Xavi Part 2 Ustedes y Vosotros
Play Caption
porque es una ciudad que, para mí, lo tiene todo.
because it's a city that, for me, has it all.
Caption 7, San Sebastián El rompeolas
Play Caption
Now that we have learned how to use the Spanish prepositions por and para, we would like to take a moment to summarize the main differences between them in the following chart.
POR | PARA | |
Key Difference: | Cause/Reason | Purpose/Goal |
Ana estudia japonés por placer (Ana studies Japanese for pleasure). | Ana estudia japonés para poder visitar Japón algún día (Ana is studying Japanese in order to be able to visit Japan someday). | |
Place: | Movement | Destination/Direction |
Juan camina por la playa (Juan walks on/along the beach). | Juan va para la playa (Juan is going to the beach). | |
Approximate Location | ||
Claudia vive por el centro (Claudia lives in the downtown area). | ||
Time: | Time of Day | Time Limit |
Me gusta correr por la mañana (I like to run in the morning). | Tengo que terminar el informe para el jueves (I have to finish the report by Thursday). | |
Duration | Future Point in Time | |
Luis habló por dos horas (Luis spoke for two hours). | Necesito un billete del metro para mañana (I need a subway ticket for tomorrow). | |
Frequency | ||
Susana va a la piscina tres veces por semana (Susana goes to the pool three times a/per week). | ||
Additional: | Conclusions | Opinions |
Por la cara que tenía, yo creo que Pedro estaba triste (From the look on his face, I think Pedro was sad). | Para mí, esta es la mejor pizza (To me, this is the best pizza). | |
Agents of Passive Sentences | Recipients | |
El Coliseo fue construido por los romanos (The Colosseum was built by the Romans). | El regalo es para María (The gift is for Maria). | |
Means/Tools | Employment | |
Juan habla por teléfono (Juan is talking on the phone). | Mario trabaja para una multinacional (Mario works for a multinational company). | |
Purchases/Transactions | ||
Compré la cámara por 200 dólares (I bought the camera for 200 dollars). |
Before we go, we would like to highlight a very common mistake among non-native Spanish speakers. Although your inclination might be to use the word para, remember that in order to express gratitude in Spanish, the preposition por should always be used, as in the sentence "Gracias por el regalo" (Thanks for the gift).
That's all for today. Although we know that this lesson did not touch on all of the possible uses of the prepositions por and para, we hope that it has helped you to better understand how and when to use each of them, and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions. ¡Hasta la próxima!
Surely "you're" familiar with "contractions" in English, or shorter words formed by combining two or more words, dropping one or more letter, and adding an apostrophe (for example, "you're" from "you are" in this sentence). But do you know about contractions in Spanish? Interestingly, while there are close to 100 contractions in English, in Spanish, there are only two (and no apostrophes are required!). Let's learn what they are and how to use them.
In short, the Spanish contraction al is used whenever the preposition a (at, to, etc.) is followed by the masculine definite article el (the). While the scenarios in which this takes place are too numerous to name, let's take a look at several of the most common ones with examples from our Yabla Spanish video library.
Al in this case is usually translated as "to the" in English.
Siempre voy al mercado cuando no tengo ingredientes.
I always go to the market when I don't have ingredients.
Caption 10, Ariana Cena especial
Play Caption
This is the equivalent of the English "at the."
Puede tomar el ascensor que está al final del pasillo a la izquierda
You can take the elevator that is at the end of the hall on the left
Caption 57, Cleer y Lida Recepción de hotel
Play Caption
Since the preposition a is an essential part of certain verbs such as acostumbrarse a (to get used to), asistir a (to attend), jugar a ("to play" something), and many more, a becomes al when a masculine definite article follows.
Los viernes, juego al fútbol con mis amigas.
On Fridays, I play soccer with my friends.
Caption 21, Ariana Mi Semana
Play Caption
As the preposition a is required prior to people who function as the objects of sentences in Spanish, a likewise becomes al in the presence of the masculine definite article.
y ya le pedí al chef que la comida fuese vegetariana
and I already asked the chef for the food to be vegetarian
Caption 55, Programación de oficina El dictado del jefe
Play Caption
In this usage, al is typically employed with the other Spanish contraction del (from the) to describe the end point of something, for example, a range.
Estos son los números del uno al cien.
These are the numbers from one to a hundred.
Caption 44, El Aula Azul Los Números del 1-100
Play Caption
This second Spanish contraction is formed by combining the preposition de (of, from, about, by, etc.) with the masculine singular definite article el when one follows another in a sentence. Let's see some of the many common situations in which you might find it.
This describes the point of origin from which something leaves.
También para cuando salimos del agua, eh...
[It's] also for when we come out of the water, um...
Caption 36, Ana Teresa Yoga y surf
Play Caption
This describes where someone or something originates or comes from.
La mayoría de la gente viene del Pacífico
Most of the people come from the Pacific,
Caption 2, La Sucursal del Cielo Capítulo 2 - Part 4
Play Caption
This is used like 's in English to indicate ownership when what is owned is preceded by el.
Yago, pero ese caballo es del patrón. Se va a calentar, ¡Yago!
Yago, but that's the master's horse. He's going to get mad, Yago!
Caption 35, Yago 1 La llegada - Part 1
Play Caption
Like a, de is a part of certain Spanish verbs like acordarse de (to remember), olvidarse de (to forget), and depender de (to depend on) and thus changes to del when el is present.
¿Te acuerdas del atraco en el banco?
Do you remember the stickup at the bank?
Caption 54, Los casos de Yabla El examen - Part 1
Play Caption
The contraction del might be used when el follows any of the numerous prepositional phrases that contain the word de (e.g. después de, antes de, a partir de, etc.).
El contrato empieza a correr a partir del próximo mes.
The lease starts to run starting from next month.
Caption 26, Ricardo La compañera de casa - Part 2
Play Caption
As we mentioned in the section regarding al, al and del are often used together when describing a range, with del indicating its beginning.
Cogí unos días libres del veinte al veintiséis de abril".
I took a few days off from April twentieth to twenty-sixth."
Caption 26, Aprendiendo con Silvia Horas, fechas y períodos de tiempo - Part 3
Play Caption
Now that you have learned a plethora of situations in which you should employ the Spanish contractions al and del, you should be aware of some others in which you should not use them.
Note that when any other definite article (la, las, or los) comes after the word a or de, no contraction is formed.
el corazón envía más sangre a las piernas
the heart sends more blood to the legs
Caption 31, Aprendiendo con Silvia Las emociones - Part 12
Play Caption
Don't use a Spanish contraction when the word el is part of a proper noun. Carlos sums this up perfectly:
No decimos "el Presidente del Salvador", sino "el Presidente de El Salvador".
We don't say "el Presidente del Salvador," but rather "el Presidente de El Salvador" [the President of El Salvador].
Captions 46-47, Carlos explica Geografía y gentilicios
Play Caption
The Spanish contractions al and del must not be used when what follows a or de is the accented form, or Spanish subject pronoun él (which means "he," "him," or "it" rather than "the").
Ahora, Lukas, todo el mundo se enamora de él.
Now, Lukas, everybody falls in love with him.
Caption 51, Amaya La historia de Lukas
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped you to know when and when not to use the two Spanish contractions al and del, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
You are surely familiar with the Spanish pronoun nada with the meaning of "nothing." But are you aware that it can have several additional meanings and translations? Let's explore many of them!
Before we learn several of the lesser-known meanings of the Spanish word nada, let's look at its most common usage. Like "nothing" in English, the pronoun nada in Spanish can mean an absence or lack of anything, as we see here:
Es una palabra que define todo y nada al mismo tiempo
It's a word that defines everything and nothing at the same time
Caption 55, Carlos comenta Confidencial - Jerga típica colombiana
Play Caption
Now, let's move on to our 7 additional meanings of the Spanish word nada that may not initially come to mind.
When used with a double negative, the English equivalent of the pronoun nada in Spanish changes to "anything":
No, hoy no tengo nada qué hacer.
No, today I don't have anything to do.
Caption 42, Conversaciones en el parque Cap. 5: Me gusta mucho este parque.
Play Caption
For a more in depth explanation of this topic, check out Yabla's lesson entitled Nada: Nothing or Anything?
When the pronoun nada in Spanish is used to mean "none," it is typically accompanied by the preposition de, as we see below:
¿Por qué hace como si nada de esto estuviera pasando?
Why are you acting as if none of this were happening?
Caption 25, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 4 - Part 8
Play Caption
Similarly to the manner in which nada can mean either "nothing," or "anything," its meaning also changes from "none" to "any" when used with the preposition de in a double negative sentence:
¡No, no... no! -No tiene que hacer nada de esto. -¡No, no, no, no, no!
No, no... no! -You don't have to do any of this. -No, no, no, no, no!
Caption 16, Tu Voz Estéreo Embalsamado - Part 17
Play Caption
In this usage, nada functions as an adverb that can be translated with the English phrase "at all":
pero como no lo hago nada bien,
but since I don't do it well at all,
Caption 5, Beatriz Expresiones con colores
Play Caption
Moving on to some uses of the Spanish word nada as a noun, let's see how la nada can mean "nowhere":
"¿La gente cómo puede vivir en medio de la nada, no?",
"How can people live in the middle of nowhere, right?"
Caption 3, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Irwin y la acuarela - Part 3
Play Caption
Like the pronoun nada, the noun la nada can describe a complete lack of anything:
Era el frío de la nada
It was the cold of nothingness
Caption 41, Acercándonos a la Literatura José Asunción Silva - "Nocturno III"
Play Caption
The Spanish noun la nada can additionally be translated as "the void" when referring either to empty space in a physical sense or one's feeling of emptiness:
Y mi papá miraba hacia la nada con una rabia feroz de la que no era muy consciente.
And my dad stared into the void with a ferocious rage he wasn't very conscious.
Caption 54, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 2 - Part 1
Play Caption
Now that you have learned 7 alternative English translations for the Spanish word nada, let's look at some common Spanish fixed expressions that include it, noting their English equivalents:
Antes de nada, vamos a repasar algunos conceptos e información necesaria
Before anything else, we're going to review some concepts and necessary information
Caption 1, Raquel y Marisa Aprender a conducir - Part 1
Play Caption
Pero antes que nada, lo básico:
But first of all, the basics:
Caption 2, Conversaciones con Luis Astrología
Play Caption
y que anda por ahí como si nada, entonces.
and that he's out there as if it were nothing then.
Caption 20, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 2 - Part 4
Play Caption
De nada. Estoy para servirle. Permiso.
You're welcome. I'm at your service. Excuse me.
Caption 61, Programación de oficina El dictado del jefe
Play Caption
Bueno, ahora estoy haciendo, más que nada, un trabajo con los niños
Well, now, I'm doing, above all else, a project with children
Caption 28, Cleer Entrevista con Jacky
Play Caption
no le importa nada más.
nothing else matters to them.
Caption 34, Aprendiendo con Silvia Frases hechas - Part 1
Play Caption
pero que no tiene nada que ver con temas religiosos.
but which has nothing to do with religious themes.
Caption 25, Viajando con Fermín La Feria de Santo Tomás
Play Caption
¿Entonces no importa si la llamo? Para nada. -¡Para nada!
Then it doesn't matter if I call her? Not at all. -Not at all!
Captions 43-44, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 5 - Part 7
Play Caption
Primero que nada, pedirte perdón por lo de ayer.
First of all, to apologize for yesterday.
Caption 12, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 5 - Part 4
Play Caption
Pues nada, espero que... hayáis conocido un poquito este deporte, esta escuela, a mí,
Anyway, I hope that... you've learned a little bit about this sport, this school, myself,
Captions 80-81, Escuela de Pádel Albacete Hablamos con José Luis
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has helped you to understand many of the meanings of the Spanish word nada beyond simply "nothing," and don't forget to write us with your questions and suggestions.
Are you familiar with the word entonces in Spanish? While the Spanish word entonces is commonly translated as "then" or "so" in English, its meanings are actually quite nuanced. Let's explore several of them.
Like the English word "then," in this usage, the Spanish word entonces could generally be replaced with the English phrase "at that moment" to refer to an occurrence at a specific point in time. Let's see some examples.
Y entonces se escaparon.
And then you guys escaped.
Caption 35, Guillermina y Candelario El mundo de los juguetes perdidos - Part 2
Play Caption
When talking about the past, it is common to use some of the following expressions, which are usually translated as "at that time" or "back then":
en aquel entonces
por aquel entonces
en ese entonces
por ese entonces
Let's listen to some of these in context:
Lo que vivió Colombia en aquel entonces era realmente aterrador.
What Colombia experienced at that time was really terrifying.
Caption 50, Los Tiempos de Pablo Escobar Capítulo 1 - Part 14
Play Caption
En aquel entonces los niños todavía podían salir solos
Back then children could still go out alone
Caption 2, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 1 - Part 9
Play Caption
En mi urbanización, junto a la piscina, vive una amiga que por aquel entonces tenía una gata totalmente blanca y con un pelo precioso.
In my housing complex, next to the pool, a female friend lives who back then, had a totally white cat with beautiful fur.
Captions 26-27, Fermín y los gatos Mi gata Poeska
Play Caption
entonces sabremos que hemos hecho un buen trabajo.
then we'll know that we've done a good job.
Caption 77, Ana Carolina La meditación
Play Caption
Notably, entonces may be used along with the preposition solo (only) to describe a moment in time as the equivalent of the English expression "only then":
Solo entonces se sabrá quiénes son los mejores.
Only then it will be known who are the best ones.
Caption 76, Región mundo Paso a paso - Part 5
Play Caption
In this second usage, entonces is placed right after some preposition to refer to a period of time in the past. Let's examine how entonces can be used with a couple of prepositions.
In the following example, we see the preposition de combined with entonces to mean "(from) back then":
Yo me imagino que los artistas de entonces
I imagine that the artists back then
Caption 40, Leonardo Rodriguez Sirtori Una vida como pintor - Part 5
Play Caption
The preposition desde can be combined with entonces to form the expression desde entonces, or "ever since" in English:
y esa es la razón por la cual resido aquí desde entonces.
and that's the reason I've been living here ever since.
Caption 19, Adriana Mi historia con el café
Play Caption
Let's explore how the Spanish word entonces can also be used similarly to the English words "then" and "so" with various, more specific meanings.
In this scenario, entonces is used to describe what might happen if something else takes place first.
Si vienes, entonces te invito a comer.
If you come, then I'll treat you to a meal.
Caption 22, Ana Carolina Condicionales
Play Caption
Eh... No tenía muchos órganos, no estaban desarrollados, porque había tenido poco espacio en el útero de la madre. Entonces, fue un bebé prematuro,
Um... He didn't have a lot of organs, they weren't developed because he had had little space in the mother's womb. So, he was a premature baby,
Captions 46-48, Amaya El burrito Luz - Part 2
Play Caption
Yo voy a decir unas frases, y... utilizando ustedes, y tú vas a decir la misma frase utilizando vosotros. ¿OK? Entonces comenzamos con la primera frase.
I'm going to say some sentences, and... using "ustedes," and you are going to say the same sentence using "vosotros." OK? So, let's start with the first sentence.
Captions 52-54, Carlos y Xavi Part 2 Ustedes y Vosotros
Play Caption
¿no es cierto? -No, tampoco es lugar para mí. Entonces ¿por qué vas? Porque estoy loco.
isn't that right? -No, it's not a place for me either. Then, why do you go? Because I'm crazy.
Captions 63-65, Muñeca Brava 47 Esperanzas - Part 1
Play Caption
In this usage, the word entonces often appears within the expression pues entonces (well then).
"¡Esto está superfrío y de todas formas no sé nadar". "Pues entonces no podemos ir allí, donde comienza el cielo",
"This is super cold, and anyway, I don't know how to swim." "Well then, we can't go there, where the sky begins,"
Captions 40-42, Pigueldito y Federico El cielo
Play Caption
With this use of the Spanish word entonces, we have reached the end of this lesson. We hope that you now feel more confident about using the word entonces in Spanish, and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions. ¡Hasta la próxima!
What a difference an accent makes! Did you know that the meanings of several Spanish words vary depending upon whether or not they have a written accent? Today, we'll learn ten such pairs of words, providing examples of each in context. Are you ready?!
The adverb aun in Spanish, without an accent, is the equivalent of the English word "even":
Aun así, me hubiera gustado tener algo más de luz.
Even so, I'd have liked to have had a bit more light.
Caption 63, Viajando con Fermín La Cueva de Nerja - Part 2
Play Caption
The adverb aún, on the other hand, with an accent, means "yet" or "still" in Spanish:
Aún no tengo hijos, eh...
I don't have kids yet, um...
Caption 29, La Sub30 Familias - Part 9
Play Caption
The preposition de in Spanish is an extremely common word that can mean "of" or "from":
Yo soy de Barcelona, nací aquí,
I'm from Barcelona, I was born here,
Caption 23, Carlos y Xavi Diferencia de pronunciación entre España y Colombia - Part 1
Play Caption
The word dé with an accent, however, is a conjugated form of the verb dar (to give) in Spanish. It could be either the present subjunctive form that corresponds to the subject pronouns él (he), ella (she), or usted (formal "you") or the formal imperative. Let's look at an example of each:
Present Subjunctive:
que me dé una explicación.
for him to give me an explanation.
Caption 60, Yago 13 La verdad - Part 5
Play Caption
Formal Imperative:
Démela, no se va a dar cuenta.
Give it to me, she won't realize.
Caption 42, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 7 - Part 2
Play Caption
Without an accent, esta is the singular feminine demonstrative adjective that means "this":
Esta pasión empezó cuando yo era muy pequeña
This passion started when I was really little,
Caption 5, Adriana La lectura
Play Caption
With an accent, está is the third person singular and formal second person singular conjugation of the verb estar (to be).
y el mar está muy agitado.
and the sea is very choppy.
Caption 40, Aprendiendo con Silvia Las emociones - Part 8
Play Caption
The word el in Spanish is the masculine singular definite article that means "the":
En el parque hay árboles,
At the park there are trees,
Caption 15, El Aula Azul Mi Barrio
Play Caption
Él with an accent is a subject pronoun that means "he" or "it":
Él tiene una responsabilidad con ustedes,
He has a responsibility to you guys,
Caption 41, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 13 - Part 4
Play Caption
The Spanish word mas without an accent is a conjunction that is used similarly to the word pero in Spanish and also means "but":
"Te dije que me hicieras caso, mas no escuchaste".
"I told you to pay attention to me, but you didn't listen."
Caption 21, Aprendiendo con Priscilla La palabra "más"
Play Caption
Meanwhile, the word más with an accent is the Spanish equivalent of the word "more":
"Necesito comprar más carros".
"I need to buy more cars."
Caption 15, Aprendiendo con Priscilla La palabra "más"
Play Caption
For more on the difference between these two words, take a look the video from which these two examples were taken: Aprendiendo con Priscilla- La palabra "más."
The non-accented word mi in Spanish is a short form possessive adjective that means "my" when referring to singular nouns:
Mi casa es pequeña.
My house is small.
Caption 10, Ariana Mi Casa
Play Caption
The accented version of this word is a prepositional pronoun that can be used after any preposition (except the preposition con) to mean "me":
Para mí, el mejor jugador de fútbol es Leo Messi.
For me, the best soccer player is Leo Messi.
Caption 52, Carlos explica Las preposiciones 'por' y 'para' - Part 3
Play Caption
The pronoun se in Spanish has many uses, including in impersonal and passive se constructions, in the no fault construction, to say "each other" in phrases like se abrazaron (they hugged each other), and as the reflexive pronoun that accompanies reflexive verbs with él, ella, usted, and ustedes. The following example includes se in both an impersonal and a reflexive construction.
y, como se dice en España: "Hay que saberse bañar
and, as they say in Spain: "You have to know how to bathe yourself
Caption 77, Soledad Amistades
Play Caption
The accented version of the word sé is the first person conjugation of the verb saber (to know) in the present indicative:
yo sé que Ríos está aquí, hermano.
I know that Rios is here, brother.
Caption 58, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 4 - Part 6
Play Caption
Si without an accent in Spanish means "if":
Si vienes, entonces te invito a comer.
If you come, then I'll treat you to a meal.
Caption 22, Ana Carolina Condicionales
Play Caption
And, as you surely already know, sí with an accent in Spanish means "yes":
Sí. -Sí, señor.
Yes. -Yes, sir.
Caption 94, Muñeca Brava 43 La reunión - Part 1
Play Caption
Carolina sums up this difference well:
Entonces, "sí" es una palabra afirmativa cuando queremos algo, mientras que "si" es una palabra condicional.
So, "sí" is an affirmative word when we want something, while "si" is a conditional word.
Captions 38-40, Lecciones con Carolina Haber vs. A Ver / Si vs. Sí
Play Caption
Te with no accent can be either a direct or indirect object pronoun or a reflexive pronoun that corresponds to the informal second person singular subject pronoun tú. Let's see it in use as a direct object pronoun:
Te voy a llevar a los mejores restaurantes.
I am going to take you to the best restaurants.
Caption 23, Clara y Cristina Hablan de actividades
Play Caption
The accented version of té refers to the beverage "tea":
Si querés tomar té tomalo en tu escritorio... -Ah, está bien...
If you want to have tea, have it at your desk... -Oh, OK...
Caption 29, Muñeca Brava 3 Nueva Casa - Part 7
Play Caption
Tu (no accent!) is the informal second person singular possessive adjective that means "your":
¿Cómo se llama tu mamá?
What's your mom's name?
Caption 26, Ana Carolina Preguntas básicas con su hijo
Play Caption
As we mentioned previously, tú with an accent is a subject pronoun that informally means "you" in Spanish.
¿Y tú? Que tampoco me has vuelto a llamar.
And you? You haven't called me again either.
Caption 18, Cleer y Lida Conversación telefónica - Part 1
Play Caption
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has clarified the difference between words in Spanish that, while pronounced identically, have different meanings depending upon whether or not they have an accent. Don't hesitate to write us with any questions, suggestions, or comments.
Generally speaking, there are three main meals that many people eat each day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Do you know how to say the names of those three meals in Spanish? Let's see how the answer to that question depends upon where you happen to be in the Spanish-speaking world.
If you are in Spain or Mexico, the following are the names of the three main daily meals:
es la hora del desayuno
it's breakfast time,
Caption 7, Clase Aula Azul Acciones habituales y en este momento - Part 1
Play Caption
Todos los días, hago la comida a mediodía
Every day, I make lunch at midday
Caption 24, Ariana Mi Casa
Play Caption
y normalmente cuando llego a casa, me hago la cena,
and usually when I get home, I make myself dinner,
Caption 30, El Aula Azul Actividades Diarias
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In the following clip, our Mexican friend Karla mentions all three of these daily meals as she tells us how, in her country, tacos can be eaten at any time of the day!
Eh... Puedes encontrar tacos en todas las esquinas, en todas las ciudades de todo México y puedes comerlo, en realidad, de desayuno, de comida o de cena,
Um... You can find tacos on every corner, in every city throughout Mexico, and you can eat it, actually, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner,
Captions 37-39, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Karla y los tacos - Part 2
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In contrast, in most Latin American countries, the names of the three main meals are as follows:
Hoy es domingo y vamos a hacer el desayuno.
Today is Sunday, and we're going to make breakfast.
Captions 6-7, Quito Desayuno con Julia
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Al mediodía, preparo el almuerzo.
At noon, I make lunch.
Caption 14, GoSpanish La rutina diaria de Maru
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While some places use the word comida (e.g. Colombia), others use the term cena (e.g. Argentina). Let's hear a couple of clips:
¿Qué es la comida?
What's for dinner?
Caption 9, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 1 - Part 3
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Bueno, espero que lleguemos justo para la cena porque tengo un hambre que me muero.
Well, I hope that we are arriving just [in time] for dinner because I am dying of hunger.
Caption 49, Muñeca Brava 44 El encuentro - Part 6
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As we have just seen, the main difference between the meals of the day in Spain and Mexico vs. other Latin American countries is the term people use to talk about lunch. However, if you happen to hear the word almuerzo in Spain, you should be aware that, in that country, almuerzo refers to a mid-morning snack. In addition, it is very common for Spanish people to enjoy an afternoon snack called la merienda. Let's hear Raquel and Marisa explain this in detail:
El almuerzo es lo que tomamos entre el desayuno y la comida. Pero además tenemos la merienda y la cena. La merienda suele ser a las seis de la tarde. Y la cena es la última comida del día.
The mid-morning snack is what we have between breakfast and lunch. But in addition, we have the afternoon snack and dinner. The afternoon snack is usually at six in the afternoon. And dinner is the last meal of the day.
Captions 30-33, Raquel Presentaciones
Play Caption
That's all for this lesson. We hope you learned some new words today, and don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments.
Do you know how to say "there" in Spanish? There are three different ways: ahí, allí and allá. Today's lesson will explore the differences and similarities between them in both pronunciation and usage.
Let's learn how to pronounce the three ways to say "there" in Spanish.
When listening to this word, keep in mind that the letter h in Spanish is silent (see Spanish Alphabet: Letters and Pronunciation to review this and more). Let's hear it in context:
Ahí está.
There it is.
Caption 10, Animales en familia La operación de Yaki - Part 1
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Although the word allí in Spanish is often confused with words like hay, ay, and ahí, its pronunciation is actually different from ahí due to the double L (ll) sound in Spanish, which is equivalent to the letter y. Let's listen to it:
Allí, los productos son muy frescos.
There, the products are very fresh.
Caption 11, Ariana Cena especial
Play Caption
Hence, the pronunciation difference between the words ahí and allí can be broken down as follows:
ahí = ah-ee
allí = ah-yee
That said, this difference can be very hard to hear for non-native speakers, especially with accents from Spain or other regions where the ll/y sound is quite subtle. This sound is, however, more distinct in other regions like the Dominican Republic, where it sounds like a soft g or j, and Argentina and Uruguay, where it sounds like "sh," as we hear in this caption:
Por allí, están los botones "hide".
Over there are the "hide" buttons.
Caption 34, Julieta Promo
Play Caption
The difference in the final letter makes the word allá stand out even more from its predecessors. Let's hear it pronounced:
Aha... allá.
Uh-huh... there.
Caption 55, Aprendiendo con Priscilla Juego de palabras
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Now let's explore the difference in meaning between the different words for "there" in Spanish.
The RAE (Real Academia Española) defines the word ahí as "en" or "a ese lugar" ("in" or "to that place") or simply "ese lugar" (that place). Having said that, remember that ese in Spanish is the "nearer" version of "that" with definitions ranging from "near the speaker," "far from the speaker but near to the listener" or "close but not within reach." With this in mind, let's see a couple of examples of the word ahí in context.
¿Me puedo sentar ahí? -Claro.
Can I sit there? -Of course.
Caption 27, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 1 - Part 8
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Ahí está.
There it is.
Caption 41, Ana Carolina Recorrido por el parque
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While the English translation of the definition for allí is the same as for ahí ("in" or "to that place" or "that place"), the difference lies in the replacement of the word ese with aquel, which also means "that" but constitutes a further distance (as explained in this lesson on demonstrative adjectives) that might be thought of as "far from both the speaker and the listener." Its translation can thus be either "there" or "over there." Let's see two examples where the speakers refer to locations far from where they currently are:
Y allí existe una de las mayores huertas de España,
And there, there is one of the biggest vegetable gardens in Spain,
Caption 41, Soledad Ensaladilla de brócoli
Play Caption
y allí estuve durante diez años;
And I was there for ten years,
Caption 23, Luis Guitarra Influencias musicales - Part 1
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According to the RAE, one definition of allá, which can also be translated as "there" or "over there," is "en aquel lugar o sus proximidades" (in that place or its vicinity), making the term a bit more vague. Let's see an example:
Sin embargo, uno de los ecosistemas más importantes de la zona está allá. En el mar.
However, one of the most important ecosystems of the area is over there. In the sea.
Caption 65, Instinto de conservación Parque Tayrona - Part 2
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Allá can also be used in lieu of allí to emphasize the distance of a particular place:
Y pues entré a hacer mi maestría allá en Moscú, de... de imagen.
And well, I went to do my master's degree there in Moscow in... in photography.
Caption 40, Bogotá Fotógrafo José Segundo Quinche Pérez
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Although we have explored the primary definitions for the Spanish terms ahí, allí and allá, note that if you scroll further down in the entry for ahí, the RAE actually lists allí and allá as synonyms! This is because, like the words for "here" in Spanish (aquí and acá), the use of the words for "there" varies vastly from region to region and person to person, leading many speakers to use these terms differently or interchangeably. Let's see a couple of examples that deviate from the parameters we have learned:
¡Oh, mira ese vestido allá!
Oh, look at that dress over there!
Caption 23, Cleer y Carolina De compras
Play Caption
Y ahí, no es como Madrid que sales cuando te da la gana, es que allí, no paras.
And there, it's not like in Madrid where you go out when you feel like it, it's just that there, you never stop.
Captions 18-20, Arume Barcelona
Play Caption
To conclude today's lesson, let's concisely sum up what we have learned:
1. Generally speaking, ahí describes something relatively close to the speaker and/or listener. It is most typically translated as "there."
2. Allí usually describes something further away from both the speaker and listener. It is most typically translated as "there" or "over there."
3. Allá is similar to allí, but less specific, and can also be employed to emphasize distance. Its translations are "there" or "over there."
4. There is a great deal of overlap in the manner in which these words for "there" are used in spoken Spanish, which is often influenced more by the individual or region than any strict parameter of distance or grammatical rule.
That's all for this lesson. We hope that it has helped you to understand the differences and similarities among the three different ways to say "there" in Spanish, and don't forget to write us with your questions and comments.
There are two Spanish equivalents of the word "here" in Spanish: aquí and acá. So, is there a difference between them? Let's find out!
The Royal Spanish Academy's initial definitions for the word aquí in Spanish are "at" or "to this place." Let's hear a couple of examples from Mexico and Spain:
No, gracias. Tengo unas galletas aquí.
No, thank you. I have some cookies here.
Caption 13, Conversaciones en el parque Cap. 2: Cafe y bocadillos
Play Caption
Hoy estamos aquí en la costa de Málaga.
Today we're here on the coast of Malaga.
Caption 2, Amaya Cata de vinos
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On the other hand, the Dictionary of the Spanish language defines acá as "at" or "to this place or nearby." Let's look at another example from Mexico and one from Argentina:
y eso es lo que trato de hacer mayormente acá en Alemania,
and that's what I try to do mostly here in Germany
Caption 9, Hispanoamericanos en Berlín Karla y el pozole - Part 1
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Acá es donde trabaja el alcalde de Buenos Aires.
Here is where the mayor of Buenos Aires works.
Caption 10, Yabla en Buenos Aires Plaza Mayo - Part 2
Play Caption
Did you pick up on any difference? As you may have noted, the official definition for acá could entail a larger scope or distance from the speaker. That said, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding this nuance:
1. Certain regions, like Mexico, seem to observe this slight difference between the words aquí and acá more than others, which view the terms as completely interchangeable.
2. Even in regions that consider the terms to be slightly different, it is often diffcult to determine the exact scope that defines each one, and individual use varies widely.
3. Some regions use one term or another almost exclusively. For example, in Spain, aquí is almost always used to say "here," whereas it would be rare to hear it in Argentina, where acá is prevalent.
That's all for today. We hope that this lesson has brought to light how the Spanish words aquí and acá can be different... or exactly the same, depending upon the country, context, or person. Don't forget to leave us your suggestions and comments!
Are you confused about the similar-sounding Spanish words hay, ahí, and ay? If that's the case, this brief lesson will help you to know how and when to use each of them. Let's take a look!
The word hay, an impersonal form of the Spanish verb haber, is used to express existence. In other words, hay is the Spanish equivalent of "there is" and "there are." Let's see a couple of clips that include it:
Encima de ella, hay una lámpara negra.
Above her, there's a black lamp.
Caption 18, El Aula Azul La Doctora Consejos: Hay y estar
Play Caption
hay cosas muy interesantes,
there are very interesting things,
Caption 61, Aprendiendo con Silvia Campanas - Part 2
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Ahí, on the other hand, is an adverb meaning "in that place." It is one of the Spanish equivalents of the English word "there." Let's see some examples:
y lo dejaremos ahí hasta que hierva.
and we'll leave it there until it boils.
Caption 19, Ana Carolina Ponche navideño
Play Caption
y Minos, con una cara que no era la suya, se quedó ahí para siempre.
and Minos, with a face that wasn't his own, stayed there forever.
Captions 43-44, Aprendiendo con Carlos El microrrelato - Part 3
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Last but not least, the Spanish word ay, which is often translated with the English interjection "oh," is used to express a range of different emotions like the following:
Ay, lentejas al almuerzo, lentejas a la comida... Ay, mamá, -Lentejitas. -¡qué pobreza tan asquerosa! -¡Mm!
Oh, lentils for lunch, lentils for dinner... Oh, Mom, -Lentils. -what revolting poverty! -Hmm!
Captions 17-18, Confidencial: Broma pesada Capítulo 1 - Part 6
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¡Ay! ¡Estoy horrible!
Oh! I look horrible!
Caption 44, Extr@: Extra en español Ep. 7: La gemela - Part 4
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Es por ahí. ¡Ahí es! Ay... ¡ay!
It's around there. There it is! Oh... oh!
Caption 8, Confidencial: Asesino al Volante Capítulo 1 - Part 10
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You can also use the word ay to introduce a comment or response about something. Let's look at a couple of examples of this usage:
¿Qué? Ay, Kevin, nosotros no podemos esperarlo durante cuatro años.
What? Oh, Kevin, we can't wait for you for four years.
Captions 2-3, Los Años Maravillosos Capítulo 13 - Part 7
Play Caption
Ay, mijo, hacele caso a tu mamá, ¿sí?
Oh, my son, listen to your mom, OK?
Caption 39, Carlos comenta La sucursal del cielo - Part 4
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Now that we know how to use these three words, we would like to invite you to remember the following sentence, which some teachers use to teach the difference between the aforementioned terms:
Ahí hay un hombre que dice ay.
There, there's a man who says oh.
That's all for this lesson. Do you now feel confident about using the words hay, ahí, and ay? We hope so, and don't forget to send us your suggestions and comments.